Campaign to Force Government to Implement the Main Recommendations of IICSA (Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse) of October 2022
Saturday, 14 December 2024
I am calling upon government to implement the recommendations of IICSA (Independent Inquirty Child Sexual Abuse), and to honour the commitments of the Home Office made in June 2023 The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), which was a public inquiry in England and Wales, launched in 2015, ran for 7 years and cost
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Will the government consultation on Time Delay in Child Sexual Abuse cases change the law by abolishing Limitation?
Monday, 20 May 2024
The Government has launched a consultation, the deadline for which is 10th July 2024, to which I will be responding on behalf of ACAL (Association of Child Abuse Lawyers) The summary states, to quote This consultation paper seeks views on options for the reform of the law of limitation in child sexual abuse cases in
- Published in Articles, Campaigns, General News
Access to Care Records
Wednesday, 16 November 2022
The Access to Care Records campaign is an ongoing effort to amend the law to allow care leavers full access to their care records. Peter Garsden, is a member of the Access to Care Records Campaign Group (ACRCG), which includes significant people such as Jim Goddard of the Care Leavers Association, Baroness Lola Young, Leonie
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Mandatory Reporting
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
What is Mandatory Reporting? In its most basic form it is an obligation on the part of those who are in contact with children to report any abuse which they either suspect or witness to someone in a position of power. It is the law in most European Countries, some parts of the USA, Australia,
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Time Delay Laws in Child Abuse Cases should be abolished
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
STOP PRESS The government have announced that it will agree to implement the recommendations of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse and change Limitation Law – for more detail click here We have been working for the repeal of time limits in child abuse cases for decades since, in general, the courts do not
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