If Child Abuse Images were created by Artificial Intelligence, Who is to Blame?
Thursday, 06 July 2023
It is reported that child sex offenders are now making fake images of child abuse victims using Artificial Intelligence software, which, once properly instructed, can generate an image of a child in a pornographic pose, when that image is not real but fake. The questions are, can anyone be prosecuted for producing such images, who
- Published in Articles, General News
My Old Blogspot Blog with Stories Still Relevant Today.
Sunday, 02 July 2023
It just shows how easy it is to forget things as you get older. I had forgotten all about how I started writing blogs back in 2011, which is now 12 years ago. Blogs had been going for a while but social media was nowhere near as developed as it is today. I chose Google’s
- Published in General News
Is the Government going backwards by taking power away from the Parole Board?
Saturday, 24 June 2023
I have been roused to write an article about how the government are usurping the powers of the parole board when it comes to deciding upon the release of certain prisoners from custody of the state. It is fundamentally wrong to act in contravention of the age old jurisprudential principle of separation of powers. Trying
- Published in Articles, General News
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth, so Help Me… by Peter Saunders
Saturday, 10 June 2023
This book by Peter Saunders is available on Amazon for £11.99 (Paperback) and is a must read. I have to disclose a self interest in that I know Peter, and share a lot of the experiences mentioned in the book. A lot of the content, however, was new to me, and I found extremely interesting.
- Published in Articles, General News
What do commentators think of the Home Office response to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Report?
Thursday, 08 June 2023
When I first read the Home Office reaction to the report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which took a long time, so convoluted was its style, that I wondered whether my initial reaction was a correct one, and would align with others. You can read my earlier article here. Whilst hindsight is
- Published in Articles, General News
Air TV Interview (29th May 2023
Wednesday, 31 May 2023
I was contacted by Rodney Hearth of Air TV International, which is a wordwide TV Channel that covers many subject, amongst them Child Abuse, which mainland TV Stations may not be able to cover in such depth. The subjects I cover in the interview include Rodney is a consumate professional who has covered many subjects,
- Published in Articles, General News, Media & Press Releases
Home Office Respond to Final Report of Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Final Report The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (“IICSA”) published its final report with 20 Recommendations on 22nd October 2022. I commented on the report and the recommendations in a previous post here. The Inquiry opened in 2015. The report was the culmination of 725 witnesses during 325 days of public hearings, hearing from
- Published in Articles, General News
Pride of Britain Award at the Manchester Kimpton Hotel with “Special Recognition”
Sunday, 14 May 2023
It is now 4 days since the awards, and I am still reeling from the presentation to me of a Special Recognition Award at the Pride of Manchester/Britain Awards on Wednesday night at the Kimpton Hotel, Manchester in the company of many celebrities including the TV Presenter host Kim Marsh, together with Christine McGuiness (ex-wife
- Published in Awards, General News, Media & Press Releases
Home Office delay responding to IICSA Report
Thursday, 20 April 2023
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) published its report on 22nd October 2022. The Report was comprehensive and insisted upon a response from government within 6 months ie before 22nd April 2023. With 2 days to go before the deadline, the Home Office have stated that they will not be able to reply
- Published in General News