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I have been conducting child abuse cases for many years. I have been the Lead Solicitor in over 25 Group Actions. From experience I know that when the abuse happened many years ago the evidence is hard to find.

It is very important to find corroborative and supportive evidence from other victims of the same sex offender, hence this page.

Often a sex offender had many victims, each of whom is not known to the other at, say, a children's home or school. Indeed abuse happens wherever a sex offender can get children on their own. He/she then overpowers them subtly until they succumb to his/her temptations.


Below we list actual Group Actions which my former firm have run, sufficient to have their own page


In the menu above we list institutions where my former firm have received inquiries accompanied by allegations of abuse. We may be able to trace the complainant from our archives - CLICK HERE for a longer list.


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Obviously this advice is not intended to replace legal advice, nor can we guarantee that the information on the site is completely up to date. Thus we can accept no responsibility legally for any reliance upon it. It is intended to be merely guidance. For a legal opinion upon which you may rely, we insist that you contact us by email or fill in our form